The Theory of Trends

We speak here of trends and that which cre­ates and sup­ports them.

What is a trend?

Well, in the mar­ket a trend up is a series of high­er highs and high­er lows, or if it be a trend to the down­side, a series of low­er lows and low­er highs. It is direc­tion­al move­ment. It is a reflec­tion of ener­gy expressed in prices, when the prices move in a series of steps to new ter­ri­to­ry

Theory of Congestion Action

“Congestion action” is our term for that kind of trad­ing which goes up and down, up and down, between sup­port and resis­tance, and resis­tance and sup­port. This pat­tern occurs again and again, and occurs in a great major­i­ty of all mar­ket activ­i­ty. When you see the mar­ket bounc­ing back and forth – that’s con­ges­tion action.

The Theory of Congestion

We know that the mar­ket is almost always in a con­ges­tion of one sort or anoth­er, and that it is almost nev­er in a pure trend. Or so that is the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom. We say that between 80 and 90 per­cent of the time the mar­ket is in con­ges­tion.

But we should remem­ber that we must always look at var­i­ous time­frames. One type of trad­ing in one time­frame does not mean that the same type is oper­a­tive in anoth­er time­frame – not even close.

Charlie says …

Lies are sweet, but the truth can be very, very bit­ter. ”

“Fear is the prod­uct of an undis­ci­plined mind.”

“Don’t just sit there and look at the screen. Get up and go spit in the sink three times and say you’ll nev­er trade again.”