Category Archives: Psychology of Trade Types

Dif­fer­ent mar­ket states stim­u­late dif­fer­ent per­son­al reac­tions.

The Psychology of Congestion Entrance

A con­ges­tion is a known area.
We under­stand the lim­its of con­ges­tion, and it is as if we are liv­ing in the known uni­verse. We under­stand where we are, we live between the bor­ders of the extreme, and while we know that even­tu­al­ly we must tread beyond these bound­aries and ven­ture into the new, at the moment we walk on famil­iar ground, and accept these lim­its with grace.

The Psychology of Trend Reversal

We see rejec­tion and a sense of loss as the pri­ma­ry emo­tions of sud­den trend change. What we thought would occur, is not occur­ring. Our idea of an order­ly mar­ket pro­gres­sion is sud­den­ly dis­rupt­ed; we are jolt­ed out of our secure expec­ta­tions by this intru­sion of the real world. In a sub­tle sense we are dis­ap­point­ed, we are bereft, we expe­ri­ence loss as our expec­ta­tions of the future are rude­ly rebuffed.

The Psychology of Congestion Exit

In con­ges­tion exit we leave the known, and we embark upon the unknown.
In doing so we must vio­late the bound­aries of nor­mal­i­ty that were so good to us in con­ges­tion action. We step out now afresh, in search of new lim­its, mov­ing first into that are­na where lim­its have not yet been set.

The Psychology of Congestion Action

In con­ges­tion action trad­ing we move from one lim­it to anoth­er, and reap our har­vest at the edges, plac­ing trades near the con­fines of con­ges­tion. The per­fect per­son­al­i­ty for this type of trad­ing is the aware tech­ni­cian. In con­ges­tion action trad­ing, we know our lim­its. The task at hand is to be per­fect in our exe­cu­tion, and to gath­er in every stalk of grain in the field. Har­vest time is here.

The Psychology of Trends

Many if not most traders wait until the trend is estab­lished and then paus­es, before they try to jump aboard. Often they are tim­ing their move exact­ly wrong, when the trend in ques­tion has paused for good rea­son, name­ly that it has reached high­er time peri­od sup­port or resis­tance. This fre­quent­ly means they are buy­ing resis­tance or sell­ing support—a clas­sic and expen­sive trad­ing error.