Category Archives: Trader Psychology

For a trad­er, psy­chol­o­gy is job one.

Theory of Endings

In many dis­ci­plines it makes more sense to mon­i­tor the end­ing of the old with the idea in mind that this end­ing gives us ear­ly warn­ing of the new.
Cer­tain­ly that is true in fields like trad­ing, where we are inter­est­ed in activ­i­ty on the edge, on the mar­gin, in the evolv­ing present, in the real time of now.

On Fear

We speak here about fear, and how one learns to over­come it, and about how one learns in gen­er­al. As my friend Char­lie says, “fear is the prod­uct of an undis­ci­plined mind.” There­fore it can be elim­i­nat­ed through the appli­ca­tion of dis­ci­pline. If you always have per­fect dis­ci­pline, you can stop read­ing now. End of […]

The Psychology of Congestion Entrance

A con­ges­tion is a known area.
We under­stand the lim­its of con­ges­tion, and it is as if we are liv­ing in the known uni­verse. We under­stand where we are, we live between the bor­ders of the extreme, and while we know that even­tu­al­ly we must tread beyond these bound­aries and ven­ture into the new, at the moment we walk on famil­iar ground, and accept these lim­its with grace.

The Psychology of Trend Reversal

We see rejec­tion and a sense of loss as the pri­ma­ry emo­tions of sud­den trend change. What we thought would occur, is not occur­ring. Our idea of an order­ly mar­ket pro­gres­sion is sud­den­ly dis­rupt­ed; we are jolt­ed out of our secure expec­ta­tions by this intru­sion of the real world. In a sub­tle sense we are dis­ap­point­ed, we are bereft, we expe­ri­ence loss as our expec­ta­tions of the future are rude­ly rebuffed.

On Overshooting

Let’s talk about over­shoot­ing, of the ten­den­cy of things to move too far in one direc­tion, and then retrace. We are of course espe­cial­ly inter­est­ed in the dynam­ics of the crowd that over­shoots. But the fact of over­shoot­ing is a com­mon occur­rence in many dif­fer­ent kinds of sit­u­a­tions. In the mar­ket we see many vari­a­tions […]

On Isolation

Let’s talk about the trader’s neme­sis, iso­la­tion — the prob­lems it caus­es, and the ben­e­fits that come from it. Iso­la­tion is a nec­es­sary cor­rel­a­tive of trad­ing. I’m not refer­ring to phys­i­cal iso­la­tion, though that is some­times nec­es­sary and use­ful. I’m talk­ing of men­tal iso­la­tion, inde­pen­dence, and sep­a­rate­ness. The essence of trad­ing is inde­pen­dence. A trad­er […]

On Freedom

Let’s talk about free­dom, and of depen­den­cy. We speak of liv­ing free in an unfree world. We live in a world sur­pris­ing­ly lack­ing in free­dom. In the Unit­ed States and in many oth­er west­ern indus­tri­al­ized coun­tries we live inside a myth of free­dom, that is, we believe we are freer than we actu­al­ly are. Our […]

On Responsibility and Anger

The top­ic here is tak­ing full respon­si­bil­i­ty for all of our actions. And we speak of anger towards oth­ers and towards our­selves. First, about respon­si­bil­i­ty. Why do we need to dis­cuss this here? Are we not all ful­ly respon­si­ble adults, as we go about earn­ing our liv­ing and pay­ing our bills and meet­ing our oblig­a­tions? […]

On Truth and Lying

There is a spe­cial form of lying that is uni­ver­sal and ram­pant. It cor­rupts our per­cep­tions and caus­es all kinds of prob­lems. We con­stant­ly engage in this form of lying, and we nor­mal­ly do not rec­og­nize when we are doing it. And yet it is very harm­ful to our efforts to devel­op self-aware­ness, and our desire to be con­scious of our­selves, and of the world around us.

The Psychology of Congestion Exit

In con­ges­tion exit we leave the known, and we embark upon the unknown.
In doing so we must vio­late the bound­aries of nor­mal­i­ty that were so good to us in con­ges­tion action. We step out now afresh, in search of new lim­its, mov­ing first into that are­na where lim­its have not yet been set.