Trenchant quotes and useful thoughts for traders, mostly from Epictetus, unless otherwise credited.

Good orderly guidance

I am total­ly respon­si­ble for every­thing that I do or say and it is I who decides on and con­trols my own destruc­tion and own deliv­er­ance.

Things that are up to me: my will, my opin­ions, my aims, my aver­sions, my own grief, my own joy, my moral pur­pose or will, my atti­tude towards what is going on, and my own good, and my own evil.

If you do not drink with your old friends like you used to drink with them, they will not love you as much. So chose whether you want to be booz­er and lik­able to them or sober and not lik­able.

Friend­ships can esca­late apace with self- edu­ca­tion

It mat­ters not how strait the gate,
How charged with pun­ish­ments the scroll.
I am the mas­ter of my fate:
I am the cap­tain of my soul.
{William Hen­ley}

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