Monthly Archives: September 2021

Good orderly guidance

Things that are up to me: my will, my opin­ions, my aims, my aver­sions, my own grief, my own joy, my moral pur­pose or will, my atti­tude towards what is going on, and my own good, and my own evil.

Theory of Congestion Exit

In every field there are things that the sophis­ti­cates see that the unso­phis­ti­cat­ed do not see.
Here we are look­ing at the begin­ning a trend, that is, the under­pin­nings of a trend — some­thing that occurs before there is enough evi­dence of what is hap­pen­ing for the crowd to real­ly notice it. In con­ges­tions and con­ges­tion action trad­ing the crowd is wrong at the edges.